
Course Code
ECTS Credits
2nd Semester
Course Category




Ilias Makris

Course Description

The main scope of the course is (following the principles of the operation of each economic unit, that has been analyzed in Microeconomics-1st semester) to:

  • • provide students with the necessary knowledge concerning the aggregate economic measures (GDP, National Income, Investment, Consumption etc.)

  • provide students with the necessary knowledge in order to understand the effects of several policy-measures in the economy (fiscal policy, monetary policy, exchange rates etc.)

  • help students to understand and critically evaluate the economic system, in an open, globalized economy

  • provide students with specialized knowledge in regard to globalization and the financial system, the economic and monetary unions, the diffusion of economic crisis, the different approaches in macroeconomic policy between the economists (monetarists, keynsian economists, school of Chicago etc.).

After successfully attending that course, students will be able to:

  • Interpret and evaluate the macroeconomic policies, and state intervention in economic measures.

  • compare and evaluate the different economic systems encountered in several countries

  • use the available macroeconomic tools in order to make the best possible decision in regard to the necessary policy measures